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Witch Hazel

A dark & feminine color scheme for Sublime, VS Code, JetBrains, Pygments, Atom, and Vim.

Screen cap of Witch Hazel Hypercolor theme in VSCode Screen cap of Witch Hazel Classic theme in VSCode
Shown in VSCode using IBM Plex Mono

Made with by Stargirl Flowers.

VS Code installation

  1. Go to View -> Extensions.
  2. Search for Witch Hazel and click Install.
  3. Pick Witch Hazel Hypercolor or Witch Hazel using Preferences -> Color Theme.

Sublime Text installation

With Package Control:
  1. Open the command palette using ctrl+shift+p (Windows & Linux) or cmd+shift+p (macOS).
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package from the command palette.
  3. Search for Witch Hazel and install it.
  4. Pick Witch Hazel using Preferences -> Color Scheme.
Manual installation:
  1. Download the theme: Classic, Hypercolor.
  2. Open the packages directory using Preferences -> Browse Packages....
  3. Copy the theme file into your packages directory.
  4. Pick Witch Hazel using Preferences -> Color Scheme.

JetBrains installation

This includes PyCharm, IntelliJ, CLion, etc.
  1. Download the theme.
  2. Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Color Scheme.
  3. Click the gear icon and choose Import Scheme.
  4. Navigate to the downloaded theme file.

Pygments & Sphinx installation

  1. Install using pip install witchhazel.
  2. Open your docs conf.py.
  3. Set pygments_style = "witchhazel.WitchHazelStyle".

Atom installation

  1. Download the theme.
  2. Locate the Atom packages directory (listed at the top of Settings -> Install).
  3. Unzip the theme folder into the Atom packages directory.
  4. Pick Witch Hazel using Settings -> Themes -> Syntax Theme.

Vim and Neovim installation

Note for either vim or neovim the termguicolors global option should be true

With vim-plug:
  1. Add the vimscript command Plug 'theacodes/witchhazel' alongside your other plugins between plug#begin() and plug#end()
  2. Source the modified file and run the vimscript command PlugInstall
  3. Add the vimscript command colorscheme witchhazel to your .vimrc or init.vim
  4. Restart vim or run the vimscript command colorscheme witchhazel
With packer.nvim (Neovim only):
  1. Add the table use { "theacodes/witchhazel" } to the packer.startup call
  2. Source the modified file and run the vimscript command PackerSync
  3. Add vim.cmd "colorscheme witchhazel" to your init.lua
  4. Restart nvim or run the vimscript command colorscheme witchhazel
Manual installation:
  1. Download the theme: Classic, Hypercolor.
  2. Copy the file to the colors directory (default $HOME/.vim/colors/ for Vim, $HOME/.config/nvim/colors/ for Neovim)
  3. Add the vimscript command colorscheme witchhazel to your .vimrc or init.vim
  4. Restart vim or run the vimscript command colorscheme witchhazel

If your editor supports tmTheme files, then you can download the theme and install it: Classic, Hypercolor

If not, you can port it! Let us know if you need any help and send a pull request.

This theme was created using this editor and is inspired by the amazing FairyFloss theme. It's hosted on GitHub and contributions are welcome!